I'm recently seperated from my wife but I'm still registered with our family practice. We know the doctor socially and just of late there have been a couple of things I've wanted to get sorted but I'm embarrassed to do it at this practice. What should I do?
Dear Geoff,
Your immediate options are as follows. You could ask to see one of the other doctors in the practice or you can try and get signed on elsewhere. However, I'm thinking that you're best off staying right where you are. Moving practices is never very easy these days, especially when you already have a local doctor. As for seeing another doctor at the same practice, that's a bit like changing chairs on the titanic, and will be no less awkward.
Essentially, your relationship with your doctor has not changed. You're the same person you were and while you may be asking different questions to those you asked in the past they'll be nothing your physician has not encountered before.
I had just such an experience myself a few years back. I had a bit of trouble downstairs and oomed and aahed as to how I should broach the topic with the Doc. Anyway, come the time I just came out with it: 'Doctor, I've got a sore willy!!'. Straight back the doctor came, 'Oh not another one! Let's have a look then.'
You see they really have all seen it before. If on the other hand you have more pressing concerns and you'd really rather not see that doctor you can always visit your local STD clinic, usually at your nearest main hospital, or there are also private clinics available. As ever, just check the web.
Whatever the complaint. Don't let it fester. Get it seen to and get it fixed!
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